Child & Youth Counselling - Victoria

Provided by Surrounded By Cedar Child and Family Services (SCCFS)

Provides clinical and group counselling to children and youth in Victoria.
The following two services are offered:
  • Group Counselling: The SCCFS Counselling Program offers group counselling services for children, youth and families impacted by complex trauma. SCCFS counselling groups address mental health and wellness using Indigenous modalities of helping and healing, and include regular participation from local traditional knowledge keepers and community Elders.
  • Clinical Counselling: The SCCFS Counselling program also offers clinical support to families seeking mental health services and can participate in the development of culturally informed mental health treatment planning. Children, youth and families waiting for mental health treatment services can connect with SCCFS Clinicians to learn strategies for: crisis response, stabilization and preparing for the healing journey.


Toll Free: 1-855-383-2990

Public email:


#211, 1497 Admirals Rd., Victoria, British Columbia

Service is available in English.

Cost: No cost

Associated Programs/Services

Also offered by Surrounded By Cedar Child and Family Services (SCCFS):


Service area: Victoria

The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.

Pathways does not provide medical advice. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1. If you require assistance navigating services please call 8-1-1.

For general inquiries or for assistance, please email us:

If you are requesting clinical access to medical Pathways, please provide the following information via the email above:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. In which city/town do you work?
  5. What is your role? E.g. Family Physician, Office Staff, Medical Resident
  6. Employer Name (for office staff)
  7. Office Phone

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